Why support women in sport?

Women In Sports

Women's participation in sports has seen remarkable growth, highlighting the power of support and inclusion.

Rapid Growth in Participation

Since 1971, high school sports participation for girls in the U.S. has surged from 294,000 to 3.4 million by 2019.

Closing Pay Gaps

FIFA plans to equalize prize money for men's and women's World Cups by 2026 and 2027, signaling growing financial recognition.

Increasing Media Coverage

Despite historical underrepresentation, certain events like the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2019 broke viewership records with 1.12 billion viewers, indicating a rising interest in women's sports.

Leadership Opportunities

The growing presence of women in sports leadership roles, though still underrepresented, offers new perspectives and innovation in the industry.

Sponsorship Value

Significant investments, like Barclays' £10 million deal with the Women's Super League, showcase the increasing commercial value and marketability of women's sports.

Surging Viewership

The WNBA saw a 51% increase in viewership for the 2021 season, demonstrating the expanding audience base and engagement with women's sports.

Olympic Equality

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics featured nearly 49% female athletes, the highest in history, highlighting the growing global stage and visibility for women in sports.

Women In Surf

The rise of women in surfing showcases significant progress, reflecting the impact of encouragement and recognition.

Global Participation

Out of an estimated 35 million surfers worldwide, about 7 to 10.5 million are women, making up 20-30% of the total. This number has been growing steadily over the years.

Demographic Trends

Women surfers are diverse in age, with a notable presence in the 18-34 age group. This young, active demographic is attractive to brands targeting health-conscious, lifestyle-oriented consumers.

Geographic Distribution

Female surfers are widespread, especially in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Portugal, and France, with emerging markets in India and China.

Competitive Landscape

The ranks of professional female surfers have expanded, notably with the World Surf League's support and the landmark move to equal prize money in 2019, boosting the sport's investment and recognition.

Recreational Surfing

A large segment of women enjoy surfing recreationally, fueling the sport's growth and influencing spending on gear, clothing, and travel.

Upcoming Events

Become A Queen Of The Point Sponsor

Sponsoring QOTP directly supports female empowerment in surfing, promoting inclusivity and positive community impact.

Event Statistics

# of competitors
Average # of spectators
+ 0
Youngest Competitor
0 yrs
Oldest Competitor
0 yrs+

Social Media Statistics

During the 7-day period of previous event (June 24-30, 2024)


Followers as of 6/24
Followers Gained
Increase in Followers
Followers as of 7/15


Accounts Reached
Non-Follower Reach
Increase in Impressions


Accounts Reached
Non-Follower Engagement
Follower Engagement
Increase in Non-Follower Engagement

Reach by content type

Non-Followers 80%
Non-Followers 77%
Non-Followers 85%

Engagement by content type

Followers 72%
Followers 89%
Followers 72%

Sponsorship Details

Sponsor Benefits

Day Of Branding

Visual & audio branding throughout the event proper.

Website Link

Brand logo with link on QOTP website.

Social Media Promotion

Acknowledgement of partnership on QOTP's social media channels.

First Refusal Rights

Right of first refusal for future events.

Branding Opportunities

  • Tote Bags
  • T-shirts
  • Water Bottles / Mugs
  • Product Giveaways
  • Flags / Banners
  • Beach installation during competition
  • Announcements & Mentions
  • Livestream

Let us know what you have in mind… 

Contact Us!

Cash Sponsorship

Each package includes the opportunity to provide banners and other signage for placement onsite, an invitation to opening and closing ceremonies, as well as receiving day-of mentions throughout the competition.


  • Covers live streaming and apparel costs
  • Logo on ALL broadcasts, shirts, totes, water bottles, jerseys
  • Prominent logo placement on livestream, website, and social media
  • Brand tent onsite
  • Speaking opportunities
  • Priority in promotional materials


  • Covers apparel, water bottles, or jerseys costs
  • Logo on SELECT apparel, bottles, or jerseys
  • Brand tent onsite
  • Mentions in livestream, website, social media
  • Secondary placement in materials


  • Supports costs of items like water bottles, partial apparel
  • Logo on t-shirts and totes
  • Brand tent onsite
  • Mentions in livestream, website, social media


  • Aids miscellaneous event costs
  • Logo on event website, social media recognition

Product Sponsorship

Each package includes the opportunity to provide banners and other signage for placement onsite, an invitation to opening and closing ceremonies, as well as receiving day-of mentions throughout the competition.

Ultimate Impact

  • Product for all participants, staff, sponsors
  • Logo on all materials, broadcasts, and social media
  • Brand tent onsite
  • Mentions in livestream, website, social media

Prime Influence

  • Supports ALL 60 finalists with products
  • Logo on t-shirts & totes, website, and social media
  • Mentions in livestream, website, social media

Select Support

  • Products for 4 divisions or 8 division finalists
  • Visibility on website & social media
  • Included in division acknowledgements

Essential Contributor

  • Products for 2 divisions or 4 division finalists
  • Exposure on website
  • Included in division acknowledgements

QOTPBU24 Pitch Deck

Want more details? Download our pitch deck for this year's event.

Click Here

Sponsorship Agreement

Come to an agreement? Let's put it in writing...

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